Tianjin Arbitration Commission China (Tianjin) Free Trade Pilot Zone International Arbitration Cente
To accept and hold arbitration proceedings over economic disputes in connection with China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone and Binhai New Area, Tianjin Arbitration Commission established Tianjin Arbitration Commission China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone International Arbitration Center (hereinafter referred to as “TACIAC”) in Binhai New Area on the 1st day of May 2015.
TACIAC, an office established in Binhai New Area by and as an integral part of TAC, holds arbitration proceedings by law, by the same arbitration rules and the same panel of arbitrators as TAC’s and functions under any and all TAC regulatory documents. TACIAC endeavors to maintain and protect lawful rights and interests of the disputed parties on the principles of impartiality, neutrality, integrity, efficiency and expediency.
Based upon the arbitration agreement entered into by the disputed parties and the written request for arbitration by one party thereto, TACIAC accepts and administers contract-related disputes and disputes over rights and interests of other properties in economy, technology, construction project, real estate transaction, assignment of right to use land, IPR, product liability, communications and transportation, share transfer, banking, insurance, futures, securities, factoring, financial leasing, transaction of financial derivatives, technological development and transfer, international trade and investment, environment resources and energy, computer and information technology, marine and maritime.
TACIAC is pleased to recommend to the circle of economy and trade the following model arbitration clause: "Any dispute arising in the performance of this contract or in connection therewith shall be referred to Tianjin Arbitration Commission for settlement by arbitration venued in Tianjin Arbitration Commission China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone International Arbitration Center”.